You need open source governance to make sure that no unwanted open source code makes it into your products and projects. Most vendors prefer to avoid copyleft-licensed open source code, because it conflicts with their business model.

SCA Tool helps you make sure that no unwanted open source licenses are present in your code. With our help, it is easy to avoid GPL-2.0, AGPL-3.0, or SSPL-1.0 licensed code!
For this, you tell us which open source licenses are acceptable to you. Using your SBOM, SCA Tool will tell you if there is a violation of your needs in your code base. SCA Tool makes it really easy to:
- Say what licenses you don’t want
- Find the code that you don’t want
- Stay current if something changes
SCA Tool continuously monitors your SBOM for any changes that indicate a violation of your needs and will let you know immediately. This way, you will always be on top of things and avoid the hassles of late removing of unwanted code or even dealing with lawsuits.
To make it easy, we provide ready-made templates of which licenses are acceptable, based on the type of company you are: Closed source vendor, open source distributor, in-house user, etc. Of course you can create your own rules.